5 proven strategies to increase the visibility of your Showroom or Supply House immediately
There is no doubt that your company’s Market Share is being aggressively moved in on by each and every one of your competitors – and at warp speed, as each new day passes.
So, if you want to pushback against those who think your clients and service area are there for the taking, as well as show your current and future book of business that you care about building relationships that will last a lifetime, more than the other showrooms and supply houses in your market, IT’S TIME TO BE PROACTIVE and show the B2B and B2C folks that the relationship you are building with them is the #1 asset your company cares about enriching.
With hundreds of clients that have lots of national notoriety and who have also dominated their local landscape for many decades, the Showroom Marketing Team at Bravo wanted to share some of the “insider secrets” of what we know work for Ramping Up Results, Trimming Time, and using your business as the Unique Force that it is in your immediate community, and beyond.
If You Want To Be Seen, Valued, And Validated As
“THE EXPERT” In Your Area, Do These 5 Things
1. Have a website that displays more than just products, SKUs, specs, fixtures, and finishes
Our Showroom Marketing Team is fortunate to be able to study more website visitors than most companies providing Software, Websites, and Business Development Services in the Design and Build Industry. With this massive mountain of web data and knowing the metrics that matter most, we see first-hand, each and every day, where the web visitors who reach out to clients’ sites browse and click around before buying via eCommerce or inquiring by Phone, Filling out a Contact Form or Submitting a Wishlist or Live Chat Request.
Bottomline: IT PAYS (literally) to be High-Tech AND High-Touch with your website. A Welcome Video or 360′ tour video, pictures of your team or staff – along with brief Bios, Testimonials (preferably with faces to prove they’re real), Pictures of what your brick and mortar experience will look like when they arrive, and showcasing that Community Involvement matters at your company goes a long way. After all, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!
2. Have a website that “shows up” when a web browser is looking to learn more about a company or product
FYI, all Marketing Strategies and methods of being visible ARE NOT created equally.
There is a concept called “Pull Marketing” – which mostly has to do with Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. In essence, this is when you tell the search engines who you’d like to attract for a visitor, and also have the opportunity to specify where they’re located.
There are all sorts of methods and strategies for maximizing your results in this way. For now, just knowing that having pull marketing initiatives in-motion that are able to be measured, monitored, adjusted, and controlled is enough.
3. Along with Pull Marketing, there should also be “Push Marketing” strategies in place
This way, you’ll avoid the starts-and-stops with your Business Development efforts that so many of our clients are experiencing these days because sometimes simply “pulling” people your way online isn’t enough.
Let’s be honest, THERE IS NEVER A BAD TIME TO HAVE TOO MUCH EXPOSURE for your company and brand!
So, along with sending emails to introduce yourself to Ideal Customers, Specifiers and Trade Partners you haven’t formally met yet, as well as staying in touch up with contacts you have met and the referrals you’ve gotten, Push Marketing SHOULD also include Offline and Outbound Marketing.
Things such as attending local trade associations and design community happenings and doing Systematic Outreach to let people in the trades who don’t attend meetings know that you are ready, willing and able to serve their every need is a great way to increase the Value of your Company’s Visibility.
If you have never done a formal Outreach Program to capture more trade partners or specifiers in your market, here are a few “electronic invitations” that have gotten these clients some of the best accounts they have in their entire book.
4. Creating Compelling Content and Upping your Game on the Social Media engines that matter most is a strategy that is growing in popularity.
However, NOT ALL Social Media Strategies are as effective as others. Here are several MUST HAVE Strategies for Social Media.
The first is to set up a “Retargeting” Campaign so that you show up in an omnipresent way after someone sees your company’s website. By installing a “tracking pixel” for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, or more, people who visit your website will also see you all over the web for a period of time.
Now, although this strategy is awesome for Branding and increasing your visibility online, IT DOES NOT generate anywhere near the kind of return that other strategies do!
So, IF you’re going to create Blogs, Videos, Podcasts, or Press Releases, Repurposing these Digital Deliverables is key. Along with posting these digital assets to your Social Media Profiles, YOU MAY WANT TO “boost” your Posts or have Targeted Ads running 24/7 on social media. In certain markets and in specific use cases, advertising on social media could be a beneficial strategy.
Finally, if you haven’t experienced the power of “Tagging” your Builders, Designers and other Trade Professionals via Social Media, YOU’RE TOTALLY MISSING the power of leveraging the communities that high-impact professionals build and tap into on the internet.
*If you need help or have questions about any of these strategies, our Showroom Marketing Team can help you learn more or implement any of it.
5. Being Proactive and Systemic about Maximizing and Managing your sales and Marketing pipeline IS THE 20% of the 5 strategies mentioned in this article THAT WILL GENERATE 80% MORE REVENUE.
It’s true, the Marketing and Sales Results that have been tracked have been proven hundreds of times, for companies that conduct business just like you, in pretty much every market in North America, to be the best use of your Time, Money and Managerial Resources.
Several months ago, we published a wonderful piece in this Perspective Series describing all sorts of best practices for winning more business by Understanding the Relationship Life Cycle… A term we use to Turn Browsers Online into Buyers.
This article was one of our most widely read the past few years. However, we understand that information alone simply isn’t enough. So, if you would like to FULLY AUTOMATE the way Phone Calls, Contact Forms and Wish Lists that are coming in are being pushed out to your sales team through your CRM and ERP, we should talk.
In summary, there MUST BE Systematic ways that you are bringing new browsers that hopefully turn to sales opportunities through your Web Experience. However, more importantly, IT IS IMPERATIVE that you have processes in place to move your inquiries into a sales system that will Track every Communication touch point, nudge you when you haven’t reached out to them in a bit, plus provide you all of the support and Results Reporting to make more of the magic happen month over month and year over year.
Supplying our clients with Content, Commerce, Increased Productivity, and World Class Business Intelligence is what we do best at Bravo, so if you’re serious about being seen by thousands of more ideal buyers in the coming months and all of 2023, we’d love to let you know how we can help and where you can be Cashing in on the Value of your Company’s Visibility for many years to come.